This week on We Women Want, we discuss menopause with Dr Parinita Kalita, Senior Gynaecologist at Max Hospital in Patparganj, Dr Vidhi Chaudhary, Professor of Gynaecology at Lady Hardinge Medical College, and Dr Sonam Jain, Clinical Nutritionist. 

The show discussed symptoms and causes of menopause, such as weak bones, hot flashes, and falling estrogen levels. The panel also suggested foods that would help. The doctors stressed the need for healthy eating from an early age and not just during menopause. 

As the doctors explained, menopause is a natural process of aging. The stage when the ovaries completely stop producing reproductive hormones, and there are no monthly periods for a consecutive twelve months. As the panel explained, the most common symptoms of menopause are brought on by an estrogen imbalance during menopause and include hot flashes, night sweats, breast pain, mood swings, loss of libido, and vaginal dryness. These changes can lead to irritability, anxiety, and even depression. Since menopause is the first sign of old age, the realisation of this could also add to depression and anxiety.

Fortunately, help is available both in terms of counselling and medicinal intervention such as estrogen patches. However, the panel stressed the importance of a healthy lifestyle and cautioned against fad diets. The importance of both exercise and meditation was also discussed. The show was moderated by Priya Sahgal, Senior Executive Editor of NewsX and came up with relevant talking points that would be handy for women of any age group.