During a public rally in Hooghly, West Bengal, on Mother’s Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi received a portrait of his late mother, Heeraben Patel, as a gift. He mentioned that while Mother’s Day is celebrated on this occasion in the West, in India, mothers are revered every day of the year. In his address, PM Modi instructed Special Protection Group (SPG) commandos to collect the portrait of his mother, which was presented as a gift by two young individuals.
“The people in the rally are here who made the picture of my mother. The people in ‘West’ celebrate this day as Mother’s Day, but in India, we worship our Mother, Ma Durga, Ma Kaali and Bharat Mata, 365 days a year. I request SPG commandos to collect the pictures. Please mention your addresses at the back of the paper. SPG people take photos of my mother from both people. I want to thank both of you,” PM Modi said on Sunday.
In the initial image, the Prime Minister was seated on the floor with his hands resting on his mother’s lap. In the subsequent picture, PM Modi and his mother were seated side by side, with her hands placed on her son’s shoulder.
Mother’s Day is observed annually on the second Sunday of May. This year, it falls on May 12. The day is dedicated to honoring mothers and mother figures worldwide.
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