Post IIFA 2023, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan was caught chilling with her crew and friends at the after-party. The actor can be seen having a drink as his friends, including his trusted bodyguard for over three decades, Shera, singing popular Punjabi song, Dil Le Gayi Kudi Gujarat Di. Salman could be seen enjoying the party.
The video was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi on Instagram. Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “The smile on sallu bhai face is precious to see.”
Check out the viral video below
For the unversed, the actor’s IIFA visit hasn’t been free of controversies. Earlier, a video of Salman’s security team pushing Vicky Kaushal also surfaced on social media platforms. However, later, another video showed the Dabangg actor walking upto Vicky Kaushal and hugging him. Even Vicky reacted to the viral video and said, “A lot of times there is unnecessary chatter about things. There’s no point about it. Things don’t actually are as they seem in the video. There is no point in talking about that.”
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