Rakhi Sawant was recently spotted wearing a helmet, expressing her fear of being shot. The video of the actress was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. For those unaware, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been receiving death threats from Lawrence Bishnoi. Now, the actress has claimed to have received a mail from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang asking her to stay away from Salman Khan’s matter.
Sawant spoke to the photographer about having a conversation with the actor regarding the threat. The actress shared that it was a confidential matter. She emphasized that she shares a close bond with the actor and requested to be kept away from the matter. Further, she added that some matters are better left undisclosed for her own safety.
Check out the viral video below
In a previous interview with ETimes, the former Bigg Boss contestant revealed that she has been threatened not to speak about Salman Khan or else she would be killed. She also added, “I’m not taking any action. I’m scared and confused and don’t know what to do. I’m leaving it to God.”
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