Nandamuri Balakrishna, a prominent figure in Telugu cinema, has sparked controversy with a video showing him pushing actor Anjali during a promotional event. Although Anjali appeared to laugh off the incident, some on social media attempted to criticize her for it. Singer Chinmayi Sripaada has taken a stand against these trolls, particularly targeting powerful men who exhibit inappropriate behavior.
Look at her laughing
Reacting to the video on X, Chinmayi tweeted on Thursday, “One of the biggest problems that I notice from people sharing this ‘Look at her laughing. She should have _____’ 1. It is NOT possible to respond according to your spectator response as you watch this on your device. This most moral policing, holier than thou – pure as driven snow – Harishchandra /Sri Ramachandramoorthy or their relative incarnates will fail to understand.”
She added, “2. Society itself refuses to hold men in power who misbehave responsible; Especially when they come from money, caste and political power. Don’t come and tell women what to say and how to behave when you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.”
Reactions to her tweet
An X user said about Nandamuri Balakrishna, “That horrible subhuman had been getting away with it for decades! When will he ever face consequences for his actions?” A person also wrote, “Balakrishna should apologise Anjali by touching her feet. What kind of behaviour is this worst fellow.” Another tweet read, “His deranged fans think it’s a blessing for her to be touched by this wig-wearing pervert. Everything wrong with society.”
What exactly happened
During a widely circulated online video, Nandamuri Balakrishna is seen at a promotional event for Krishna Chaitanya’s upcoming Telugu film “Gangs of Godavari.” Upon taking center stage, he requests the film’s actors Neha Shetty and Anjali to move aside. Shortly after, he pushes Anjali, causing her to nearly stumble. Despite this, Anjali and Neha laugh off the incident along with others on stage.