Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor’s darling wife, Mira Rajput had an earnest request to the paparazzi at an event last night. The star wife wanted to go home early, and as her kids had school the next day. Hence, Mira asked the photographers to let her go. The Video of shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram.
In the viral video, the star wife can be seen walking while she told the photographer in front of her, “Mere bacche kal subah school jayenge toh aap mujhe jaane dijiye.” She chuckled after making the request. The photographer immediately agreed to the same.
Check out the viral video below
For those unaware, Mira Rajput enjoys a massive fan following. She often shares moments and snippets of her daily life, with her travelling, food, fitness, beauty, and health videos. The star wife is also a fashion icon and is a huge advocate of homegrown brands minimalistic looks.
She married Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor back in 2015, and they are one of the most adorable couples in B-town. Mira and Shahid also have two kids Misha and Zain. Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor was last seen in Farzi. Next, he will be seen in Ali Abbas Zafar’s directorial Bloody Daddy. Apart from this, Shahid will soon be seen in a romantic drama opposite Kriti Sanon.
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