Music maestro AR Rahman recently requested his wife Saira Banu to speak in Tamil instead of Hindi at an awards show. A video has been doing the rounds on the internet in which the ‘Jai Ho’ composer is seen accepting an award on stage with Saira Banu by his side in Chennai. Accepting the award, Rahman said, “I don’t like to watch my interviews again. She keeps playing again and again and watching because she loves my voice.”
Check out the viral video below
The host then asked Saira to speak. Before she could address the audience, Rahman teased her to speak in Tamil instead of Hindi as she is not fluent in Tamil.
Saira closed her eyes and said, “Oh my God.” The audience laughed and clapped.
“Good evening everyone. Sorry, I can’t speak fluently in Tamil. So, please excuse me. I am super, super happy, and excited because his voice is my favourite. I fell in love with his voice. That’s all I can say,” Saira said.
Rahman and Saira Banu tied the knot in 1995. They are parents to three children — Khatija, Raheema, and Ameen.
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