The Dream Girl 2 actress Ananya Panday was spotted in Mumbai on Friday evening. Now, a video has surfaced online which has left everyone shocked. In the viral video, her bodyguard can be seen angrily pushing a fan who tried to take a selfie with the actress. The security personnel pushes the fan and said, “hatt jaa yahan se.” However, the talented actress noticed this and asked the fan to take a picture. She said, “Aap le lo picture.”
Check out the viral video below
The video is now going viral on social media platforms. Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “too rude.” Another wrote, “Salute to security guard he protected her with evil guy who is going to touch from back.” One of the comment read, “Such a bad behaviour by guard.. celeb bante ho toh itna natural h koi b pik chahega.”
On the professional front, the actress will soon be in Dream Girl 2 opposite Ayushmann Khurrana. Apart from this, Ananya has Kho Gaye Hum Kahan alongside Siddhant Chaturvedi and Adarsh Gourav in her kitty. Also, she has been shooting for her OTT series titled Call Me Bae.