Author and former actor Twinkle Khanna is celebrating her 50th birthday, and her husband, actor Akshay Kumar, made the day special with a humorous yet sweet post on Instagram. Twinkle received a unique and humorous birthday wish from her husband, Akshay Kumar. Akshay took to Instagram, sharing a video that playfully depicted Twinkle as the “real Hulk.” The post included a beautiful picture of Twinkle against a scenic backdrop with the caption “Who I thought I married” and a subsequent clip showing Twinkle confidently declaring herself the genuine Hulk in front of a Hulk statue. Akshay’s caption read, “Long live my hulk!! Thank you for adding so many years to our life through your humour. May God add many more to yours. Happy Birthday, Tina.”

The post resonated with netizens, who found the wish cute and hilarious, expressing their admiration in the comments. Twinkle also received heartfelt birthday wishes from her niece, Naomika, who shared nostalgic pictures capturing moments with Twinkle, Rinke (Twinkle’s sister), and their children.

Twinkle Khanna, the daughter of legendary actor Rajesh Khanna and veteran actress Dimple Kapadia, shares her birthday with her late father, marking his 81st birth anniversary. In a previous Instagram post, Twinkle fondly remembered her father, stating, “He always said I was the best present he could have ever received, as I tumbled feet first into the world on his birthday. A little star looking up at the biggest one in the galaxy. It’s our day together, now and forever.”

Akshay and Twinkle, who have been married for 23 years, have two children – Aarav, 21, and Nitara, 11. The birthday post added a touch of joy and laughter to the celebration, showcasing the couple’s playful and affectionate relationship.