TV actress Sara Khan, who is currently portraying the role of Devi Paulomi in Santoshi Maa, wants to keep both the actor and singer alive in her. Sara, who gained popularity for her role as Sadhna in the TV show, Bidaai, has also proved herself as a phenomenal singer. 

 She appeared to have natural talent as she hit all of the high notes, whilst singing melodious songs like Black Heart, Hussh, Chadd Ke Naa Jaa over the past few years, and has impressed her fans.

Talking to The Daily Guardian, Sara said, “I just started shooting for Santoshi Maa and I find myself really busy with jam-packed back-to-back shooting schedules. But since I ventured into the music field with a couple of songs now, I’m making sure I’m working on things on the music front as well.”

“Having released a few songs like Trip Hori hai and among others, I’ve received a lot of appreciation and I want to keep treating my fans with fresh music with great stories. I want to keep both the actor and singer in me happy,” she added.