Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar countered Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot’s remarks over his frequent visits to the poll-bound state. Dhankhar said that it is not right to drag a person holding a constitutional post unnecessarily into politics.
He said that there must be respect for constitutional positions.
While addressing the students and faculty members of Mody University of Science and Technology in Laxmangarh, Dhankhar said, “Some people are saying why are you coming here again and again… I do not expect, people in authority to make statements in light of constitutional positions. This is not good for democracy.
There must be respect for constitutional positions and all of us in togetherness, hand in hand, in collaboration and coordination with a consensual approach, have to serve the people at large.”
Dhankhar further said, “It is our country, we all are servants of this country whatever be our position, right from the President down the line up to the chief minister.
We must be very sensitive, we should not generate such a public perception that a person holding a constitutional post should be unnecessarily dragged into politics, it is not right.”
Notably, earlier in September, Gehlot while addressing a programme in Jaipur had said, “The Vice President is doing up-down (between Delhi and Rajasthan). Whether it is the Governor or the Vice President, we respect them… but elections are here.”
Later on 27 September, Gehlot said, “Politicians should come but please do not send the Vice President, it is a Constitutional post. We respect the President and the Vice President. Yesterday the Vice President came and visited five districts. Is there any logic? It is election season. If you come now it will send all kinds of messages which is not good for democracy.”