New Delhi: Chinese smartphone maker Vivo on Wednesday launched its most powerful smartphone in the V20 series called the V20 Pro 5G in India for 29,990. The new addition to the Vivo V-series is available in two colour options – sunset melody and midnight jazz. The Vivo V20 Pro 5G comes with a 6.44-inch full-HD+ AMOLED display. The smartphone is built with an ultra-sleek and light design, measuring 7.39mm and weighing only 170g. The device comes with AG Matte Glass adding a soft and delicate touch, as well as Dual Tone Step. The device runs on Android 11-based FunTouch OS 11 and is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G SoC paired with 8GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage. The smartphone has a triple rear camera setup that includes a 64MP primary Samsung ISOCELL GW1 sensor with an f/1.8 aperture. There is also an 8MP secondary sensor and a 2MP monochrome sensor. There is a dual selfie camera setup that includes a 44MP primary sensor and an 8MP secondary sensor. There is a 4,000mAh battery that provides all the power and supports 33W FlashCharge fast charging technology.

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