On the occasion of Vijayadashami, after receiving the ticket from the Bharatiya Janata Party for the Nathdwara legislative assembly seat, Vishvaraj Singh Mewar arrived in Nathdwara and witnessed the Rajbhog procession of Lord Shreenathji. After the darshan, Vishvaraj Singh Mewar visited Nathdwara city, met with party workers in a private hotel on Tehsil Road, and called on everyone to unite for the upcoming legislative assembly elections and win for the Bharatiya Janata Party. Before this, Maharana Vishvaraj Singh Mewar, along with his family, first visited Ekalingsh Nath Prabhu and Nathdwara, where he was welcomed by BJP workers along with the city residents at the bus stand, with fireworks and jubilation.
Starting from the bus stand, BJP candidate Vishvaraj Singh Mewar, along with his family, reached Moti Mahal via Kumarpara Risala Chowk, coming from Udaipur. There, he had a darshan of Lord Shreenathji’s Rajbhog procession. After the darshan, as per temple tradition, temple officer Sudhakar Shastri flung Maharana Vishvaraj Singh Mewar’s turban and shawl on top of the royal throne of Lord Shreenathji.
Nathdwara legislative assembly seat – A topic of discussion among the people
In the 2023 legislative assembly elections, after receiving the BJP ticket for the Nathdwara legislative assembly seat, Vishvaraj Singh Mewar presented a challenge to Congress leader Dr. C.P. Joshi.
People believe that this seat has become the hottest seat in Rajasthan. On one hand, Maharana Vishvaraj Singh Mewar, and on the other, Congress’s Dr. C.P. Joshi, who has redefined development work in the Nathdwara legislative assembly area over the past five years. Regardless of the result, the victory will belong to the residents of the Nathdwara legislative assembly.
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