Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan was recently spotted at a popular restaurant in Mumbai with his lovely wifey Natasha Dalal, as they spotted for a dinner date. The actor looked stylish in a red sleeveless Nike sports t-shirt, which he teamed up with a pair of black cargo jogger trousers. Varun completed his look with a grey cap and a pair of black-red sports sneakers. On the other hand, Natasha looked pretty in a black crop and jacket, which she paired with matching high-waist parallel trousers. The star wife completed her look with a pair of beige heels and a tiny black handbag.
Check out the viral video below
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Varun was last seen in Bawaal. The actor is now ready to enter the world of web shows Indian spin-off of the popular spy thriller series, Citadel. Apart from this, he is ready to team up with Jawan director Atlee, for an upcoming commercial entertainer, which has been tentatively titled VD18. The untitled project is expected to have an official launch soon with the release of its title announcement teaser.
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