Yash Chopra’s wife, Pamela Chopra’s sudden demise has left the entire film industry grief-struck. From Shah Rukh Khan to Karan Johar, Vicky Kaushal, Katrina Kaif, and Karan Johar among others visited Aditya Chopra’s residence to offer their condolences. The ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ actor Aamir Khan was also snapped by the photographers. In the viral video, the actor was hugging Pamela’s son Uday Chopra as he offered his condolences. He was also accompanied by his former wife Kiran Rao.
The video was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. As soon as the video surfaced online, Instagram users noticed something unusual in the video. Why? Because Uday Chopra was seen greeting Aamir and Kiran with a smile. A section of people in the comment section felt that Uday smiling was not a good sign. Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “shameless Uday Chopra.” Another wrote, “Why he is smiling?” A third user wrote, “Is this a funeral or a house warming ceremony?” A fourth user wrote, “Why is Uday Chopra greeting Kiran Rao with a smile?”
Check out the viral video below
For those unaware, the ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ actor shares a close relationship with the Chopra family. He has worked in several films produced under the family’s YRF banner, such as Dhoom 3, Thugs of Hindostan, and Fanaa.
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