In an inside viral video of Gadar 2 success bash, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan turned red as Karan Deol seeked his blessings. The sweet gesture of the star kid, however left King Khan slightly embarrassed as he lovingly hugs Karan. As soon as the video surfaced online, social media users lauded the star kid’s upbringing as they were impressed by the gesture. Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Bharat ki shaan Shah Rukh Khan.”
Check out the viral video below
Meanwhile, Vicky Kaushal is known to take the internet by storm with his cool dancing videos. However, this time, was seen having a major fanboy moment when he crossed paths with Sunny Deol. In the video, Vicky can be seen discussing how he witnessed people dancing to ‘Main Nikla Gaddi Leke’ song in the theatres.
He said, “Aidan lag reha si jivein oh andron bhare hoye si.”
Have a look
Gadar 2 was released in theatres on August 11, 2023.
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