Bollywood actor Sunny Deol set the stage on fire at his son Karan Deol’s sangeet ceremony with his outstanding performance on Main Nikla Gaddi Leke. The video of the actor was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. In the viral video, the actor was seen replicating his outfit from Gadar. He wore a brown kurta, patiala salwar and window pane brown blazer with black shoes.
Check out the viral video below
Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Paaji ki energy abhi bhi zordar.” Another wrote, “Sunny Paaji, Udit Narayan ji, and this song….” A third user wrote, “Oh my god this is the cutest thing I just seen I mean a father is performing in his song at his sons wedding/sangeet ceremony! Super cute.” A fourth user commented, “abhi bhi zordar.” Many dropped heart and fire emojis.
Meanwhile, Gadar was screened in different parts of the country, and the actor joined fans in as many cities he could to go watch it. The re-release comes just two months ahead of Gadar 2’s release. The film is ready to release on August 11, and it will bring back Sunny and Ameesha Patel on the big screen.
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