Pyaar Ka Punchnama fame Sonnalli Seygall tied the knot with Ashesh L Sajnani. They hosted a wedding party in the evening and were seen dancing together. Sonnalli and Ashesh made for a stunning couple at the party. In a video that has surfaced on social media platforms, the two were seen happily dancing together at the party. The new bride is seen in a red anarkali suit, with golden embroidery. On the other hand, Ashesh looks dapper in a golden kurta.
The actress shared some dream-like pictures from her wedding ceremony on her official Instagram handle. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “Sabr & Shukr.” The first picture showed her and Ashesh seated next to each other at the ceremony, while another picture shows a close-up of her mehendi and kaleeras.
Some More Pictures From Their Wedding Album
Reacting to their wedding pictures, one of the fans wrote, “Cutiesssss!! Love youuuu! Lets party.” Another wrote, “Omg congratulations you look stunning.” A third fan wrote, “Love to both of you.” A fourth fan wrote, “Congratulations love birds.” Many dropped red-heart and fire emojis.
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