A video of the celebrity couple Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, smartly dodging away the photographers and their flashing cameras have gone viral on social media platforms. The video was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. It shows a white Rolls Royce being parked inside a building. Further, the clip shows SRK stepping outside the car. However, the actor went full incognito and hid behind a black umbrella in order to avoid getting papped by the big bunch of photographers.
In the same viral video, the star wife, who is seen wearing a white shirt, can be seen sitting inside a black car and hiding her face from the paparazzi. Apparently, they were spotted outside Pooja Dadlani’s house. The caption of the viral video reads: “Seems like something new is cooking (wink and fire emoji) Shahrukh Khan along with wifeyyy Gauri Khan snapped at Manager’s house Pooja Dadlani.” Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “You know u are king when you didnt even let paps to pap youuuu.” Another wrote, “No one can catch King Khan.” A third fan commented, “OUR JAWAAAN.”
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