A video of Priyanka Chopra is going viral on Reddit, in which she can be seen handing out snacks to an event staff at Jonas Brothers’ concert. Now, fans are not only lauding her kind gesture but also appreciating her stylish outfit. In the video, PeeCee can be seen wearing a sequined white crop top with a matching mini skirt and knee-high boots. The actress was seen handing out packets of snacks to a lady working as the event staff.
Check out the viral video below
Reacting to the viral video, one of the social media users wrote, “I’ve met her a couple of times and she’s always been so sweet. Even if it’s seen as ‘fake’ or for her persona or whatever, there are so many celebs who are downright AWFUL when you meet them and can’t even pretend to be nice.” Another commented, “The thing being fake makes no sense to me. She is in that position that not every time can she be confident, sweet or understanding. And yet, she manages to make the other person feel comfortable by being generous even on the days she doesn’t feel like it. People expect her to do that if she doesn’t but if she does, they call it fake.”