On Monday, celebrity couple Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas made their Met Gala 2023 debut as husband and wife. Priyanka opted for a black strapless gown designed by Valentino. The Citadel star accessorized her look with Bvlgari jewelry including an 11-carat diamond necklace, earrings, and ear cuffs. She completed her look with a unique side-parted bun. On the other hand, Nick opted for a sophisticated suit that had a hint of edginess to it. He kept it understated with a Valentino leather blazer, a white shirt, black pants, and a watch.
What, however, caught fans’ eyes was the singer’s chivalry! As Priyanka climbed up the stairs, the singer gave her a hand, flooding the internet with videos on “husband goals”.
Check out the viral video below
In fact, videos had gone viral last month when the singer helped wifey dearest climb down the stairs after an impromptu performance on stage with actor Ranveer Singh.
Have a look
For those unaware, PeeCee is known for her stunning looks on the Met Gala carpet, and this year is no surprise with her adding another lovely look to her diverse fashion portfolio. She also shared a cute picture of her with Diana. The actress looked cute as she held her furry friend Diana in her arms close to her.
Take a look at Priyanka Chopra’s Instagram story
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