A video that surfaced on the internet shows that people hanged a man upside down from a tree and thrashed him for allegedly pelting stones at a temple in Rajasthan’s Jhunjhunu, police said on Tuesday. The 30-year-old man has been identified as Prabhu Dayal. Udaipurwati police station officer Vijendra Singh said that according to the information, the youth had broken the idols in the Shiva temple in Ward No. 18 of Udaipurwati town. The police further alleged that the 30-year-old man “keeps on acting like a madman”. “The young man is 30 years old and keeps on acting like a madman. There is a Shiva temple near his house in which he threw stones,” said Vijendra Singh. Udaipurwati police station officer Vijendra Singh said that some people of the locality lodged a report in the police station alleging that the idol was vandalized in the temple. “A video has gone viral, in relation to which the family has not yet filed a case. The family has been asked to file a case,” said Vijendra Singh.
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