An old video of Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor walking ramp at a fashion show is going viral on the internet. One of the users shared the video on Reddit and captioned it: “Sonam at king Charles coronation.”
While many social media users wondered if it was an actual footage from King Charles’ coronation concert, others trolled the actress for “the weirdest” ramp walk. One of the social media users wrote, “Wait is this real or from some other fashion show?” Another wrote, “Fashion show, coronation on May 6th.” A third user wrote, “Oh ok, thanx. Got scared for a second that she actually did this during the coronation.” One of the users even commented, “Legend has it she is still twirling somewhere in London.”
Check out the viral video below
For those unaware, the actress will be attending King Charles’s coronation. BBC report claims that she will also appear on the stage to deliver a spoken word performance. She told BBC, “I am honoured to join the Commonwealth virtual choir, celebrating His Majesty’s love for music and art. It’s a momentous occasion that signifies a commitment to a positive, inclusive, and optimistic future for the United Kingdom, with the choir’s music paying tribute to the royal legacy and promoting unity, peace, and joy.”
On the work front, Sonam will next be seen in Blind. The film also stars Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak, and Lillete Dubey.
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