Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan fame Shehnaaz Gill made an appearance at the screening of Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Neha Sharma’s film titled Jogira Sara Ra Ra. Sporting a traditional attire, the actress turned heads in an off-white kurta set paired with a pink dupatta. At the event, her fans flocked around her, seeking pictures. To accommodate all the requests, Shehnaaz took hold of a fan’s phone and took a selfie. However, when Instagram users caught sight of the incident in a video, they criticised her.
The video was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Did she just grab the guys phone.” Another wrote, “Not everyone can handle success and fame gracefully.”
Check out the viral video below
For those unaware, the actress became a household name with her stint in the popular reality TV show, Bigg Boss 13. Her friendship with co-contestant, the late Siddharth Shukla, also became one of the major highlights of the show. Her popularity continued to soar even after the show ended. Post Bigg Boss, the actress also hosted the celebrity chat show titled Desi Vibes with Shehnaaz. Shehnaaz already had a strong footing in the Punjabi film industry, but has now forayed into Bollywood with Salman Khan’s Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan.
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