Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon has once again won hearts. At the trailer of Adipurush, the actress sat on ground after there was no seat available in the theatre. A video of the actress sitting on the floor has surfaced on social media platforms. Needless to say, the actress’s fans and followers were impressed by this heartfelt gesture. The trailer of Adipurush was finally released on Tuesday, and the actress has been garnering a lot of love from all quarters.
Check out the viral video below
During the trailer launch, Kriti Sanon said, “I am very emotional today, I had goosebumps while watching the trailer because this is not just a movie but much more than that. What we experienced while making this film was special.” Further, she thanked director Om Raut and said, “I want to thank Om for believing in me as Janaki. You had faith in me that I could play that role because there are very few actors who get such a role in their lifetime. I feel very, very blessed.”
She also talked about her character in Om Raut’s directorial. “I have poured my heart and soul into Janaki. I had complete faith in the role, but while shooting for the movie I started learning more and more about this character. She is very pure, and has a kind soul, a loving heart, and a strong mind. In my poster as well you will see, there is pain, but there is no fear in it. It was a huge emotion for me. We are mere humans, forgive us if we have faltered.”
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