Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan celebrated Independence Day by watching Gadar 2. He visited the Gaeity Galaxy in Mumbai to watch the film. The actor also took to his Instagram stories and shared a video from inside the theatres. In the caption, he wrote, “It’s Gadar 2 time.”
Take a look at Kartik Aaryan’s Instagram story
Check out the viral video below
The actor was snapped by the paparazzi as he left the theatre. He sported a white shirt and paired it with brown pants. Kartik was also mobbed by the paparazzi and fans as he was leaving the iconic theatre.
Earlier, Kangana Ranaut reacted to the box office success of Gadar 2. The actress wrote on her Instagram stories, “Forget the holiday, even if it was a solo release, the first day could easily be ₹65-70 crore… but it is not just the economic drought that’s getting over in the film industry but look at people. Happy to see cinema bringing excitement and nationalism back into people’s lives… Long live Tara Singh, Sunny Deol.”
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