The young Bollywood actor, Ishaan Khatter was spotted with his rumored lady love model Chandni Bainz as they attended an event in Mumbai on Friday night. The video of the gorgeous couple was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. The new love birds was seen walking hand-in-hand. For the outing, Ishaan opted a powder blue glimmering shirt, which he paired with black trousers. On the other hand, Chandni looked pretty in a floral thigh-slit gown, white heels, simple make-up, a free hairdo and minimal accessories.
Check out the viral video below
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor rose to fame with his 2018-released romantic drama Dhadak. The film is a remake of Marathi blockbuster Sairat. He was last seen in some notable projects, including A Suitable Boy, Khaali Peeli, and Phone Bhoot. Apart from this, Ishaan wrapped the shooting of Pippa, the upcoming war drama. Also, he is playing a role in The Perfect Couple, the upcoming Netflix series.
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