Ace film producer Madhu Mantena exchanged wedding vows with ladylove Ira Trivedi on Sunday in Mumbai. Talking to her official Instagram handle, Ira shared a couple of pictures and wrote, “I’M complete now.”
Following their wedding, the gorgeous couple also hosted a grand wedding reception, which was attended by some of the biggest celebs. Among them, were lovebirds Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad. While the actor looked handsome in a black suit, Saba slipped into a blush pink salwar suit. The video of the gorgeous couple was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram.
Check out the viral video below
Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Soo Cute.” Another wrote, “They look so happy. That’s all that matters.” A third user commented, “Cute Jodi.”
For those unaware, Hrithik and Saba have been dating for quite some time now. They made their relationship official last year and often dedicate cute social media posts to each other and paint the town red with their public appearance. According to reports, Hrithik and Saba met through a common friend. Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor will be next seen in Fighter opposite alongside Deepika Padukone, Anil Kapoor, and Akshay Oberoi in key roles. On the other hand, Saba was last seen in Rocket Boys 2 and will be seen in Zee 5’s Crime Beat next.
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