The Kerala Story has already surpassed the Rs 80 crore milestone at the box office in just seven days. The film has been on the radar due to its sensitive subject and is facing several restrictions and threats. In the midst of all of this, Bollywood actress Adah Sharma was seen ringing her 31st birthday at the temple of Shiva. She was spotted magnificently singing the Shiv Tandav Strotam.
The actress celebrated her birthday by sharing a video of herself praying to Lord Shiva in a temple. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “The secret of my energy. The energy that allows me to accept bouquets and face bans. Thank you all of you for making me yours (sic).” In the video, Adah was seen mastering the powerful Shiv Tandav Strotam.
Watch video here
The video shared by Adah Sharma needless to mention went insanely viral on social media. It has amassed a whopping 3.3 million views and 700k likes. Fans flooded the comment section with praises for the actress. On the work front, the actress appeared in The Kerala Story lately. Next, she will be seen in Shreyas Talpade’s Game of Girgit. In the film, she will play a cop.
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