Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor made heads turn at the Jio World Convention Centre as she arrived in a red saree with a bold blouse to attend a special event organized by Jio Studios. Shraddha walked the red carpet in a hot red saree flaunting her perfect figure. Her perfect appearance is going viral on social media platforms, and the actress has taken over all the Bollywood paparazzo accounts.
Check out the viral video below
As soon as the video surfaced online, fans flooded the comment section with heart-eye and love emojis. Reacting to the video, one of the fans wrote, “Beauty, My Favourite.” Another wrote, “Prettiest woman ever! How gorgeous she is!” A third fan wrote, “She is unique.” A fourth fan wrote, “She’s always simple n elegant.” Many dropped fire emojis on the post.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shraddha is riding high on the success of her latest release, ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar’. The audience and the critics have praised the actress for her outstanding performance and her remarkable chemistry with Ranbir Kapoor. Now, she is ready to be featured in Stree 2, one of the most highly anticipated films from her successful filmography.
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