Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor jetted off to London with Neetu Kapoor and his family, to celebrate his mom’s 65th birthday. The Rockstar actor and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni organized a lavish family dinner for the veteran actress at a famous restaurant in London. However, Alia Bhatt and their baby daughter Raha gave the celebration a miss.
Post the intimate birthday celebrations, Riddhima took to her official Instagram handle and shared a lovely family picture with a heartfelt note. Her Instagram caption reads: “Happy Bday Ma… We adore you #backboneofthefamily (major missing @aliaabhatt & my baby Raha) #portofino.” Reacting to her post, Kareena Kapoor Khan wrote, “Surprise best best.” Saba Ali Khan Pataudi commented, “Happy Birthday Neetu Aunty.”
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Ranbir recently wrapped up the shooting of Animal. The project marks his first onscreen collaboration with popular director Sandeep Reddy Vanga. The film will hit the theatres in December, this year. Apart from this, the actor will return to play Shiva in the upcoming second installment of the Brahmastra Franchise, helmed by Ayan Mukerji.
‘Animal’ will now release on December 1, 2023. Taking to Instagram, trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared a post and captioned it, “RANBIR KAPOOR – SANDEEP REDDY VANGA: ‘ANIMAL’ TO ARRIVE ON 1 DEC… #Animal gets a new release date: 1 Dec 2023.#RanbirKapoor #SandeepReddyVanga #BhushanKumar #MuradKhetani”
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