On Monday, the gorgeous Citadel star Priyanka Chopra took to her official Instagram handle and shared a glimpse of their Sunday picnic date in London. In the picture, we can see the family of three sitting on a picnic blanket out in the sun. The Citadel star is seen donning a denim jacket with a cap and shoes. Also, she is carrying a black sling bag. On the other hand, Nick is facing the camera and can be seen wearing a green tee shirt with shorts. Malti sat beside her parents, dressed in a light-blue frock and a hat.
In the caption of her post, Priyanka wrote, “Sundays are for picnics.”
Take a look at Priyanka Chopra’s Instagram post
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress recently featured in two projects- Amazon Prime Video’s global spy series Citadel with Richard Madden, and the romantic comedy Love Again. PeeCee has now begun working on her next outing, Heads of State. The talented actress will be joining hands with John Cena and Idris Elba for the Ilya Naishuller directorial.
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