Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan held a Ganpati visarjan at home with his family which was also attended by his GF Saba Azad. The actor also took to Instagram to share pictures of the Ganpati visarjan he had organised at his home. In the caption of his post, he wrote, “Ganpati Bappa Morya ‘Tis the season for our Home and Hearts to be filled with joy & modaks ♥️ (Modaks for everyone else).” In the pictures, the actor could be seen posing with his family. Saba Azad had also joined the family.
For the occasion, Hrithik opted for a khakhi pants, a white T-shirt and a grey sweat-jacket. The actor completed the look with a matching grey scarf and cap. On the other hand, Saba looked stunning in a simple yellow kurta with white embroidered detailing.
Reacting to his Instagram post, one of the fans wrote, “So sweet family.” Another wrote, “Love you Hrithik sir.” A third fan wrote, “Lovely pictures.” Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor will next be seen in the film Fighter opposite Deepika Padukone.
Take a look at Hrithik Roshan’s Instagram post
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