Actor Sonam Kapoor Ahuja added a romantic touch to her Thursday morning. Taking to Instagram, Sonam dropped a mushy picture with husband Anand Ahuja. In the image, we can see Sonam giving a tight hug to Anand. “My everything #everydayphenomenal,” she captioned the post. The image is from Sonam and Anand’s son Vaayu’s traditional birthday celebrations. Reacting to the post, Anand dropped a heartfelt comment. “The world is not imperfect, or ona slow path towards perfection, no, it is perfect in every moment.” #everydayphenomenal,” he wrote.
Sonam and Anand tied the knot on May 8, 2018, in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony. In March 2022, the couple announced that they were expecting their first child together.
The couple welcomed their baby boy on August 20, 2022, in Mumbai.
The proud parents announced the news through a cute message template that read, “On 20.08.2022, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy with bowed heads and open hearts. Thank you to all of the doctors, nurses, friends and family who have supported us on this journey. It’s only the beginning, but we know our lives are forever changed.”
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