Actor Shahid Kapoor on Tuesday exuded ‘Punjabi Munda’ vibes as he donned a turban in his latest pictures. Taking to Instagram, Shahid shared a string of pictures which he captioned, “Dad always says ghar pe Shaadi hogi to pag paega na.”
In the first picture, the ‘Jab We Met’ actor can be seen sitting with his hand on his bicep and a helper tying the turban for him. Shahid wore a black kurta paired with an off-white turban. In one of the pictures, he can be seen posing with his father and veteran actor Pankaj Kapur as both of them donned off-white turbans.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shahid was recently seen in the action thriller film ‘Bloody Daddy’. Helmed by Ali Abbas Zafar, the film streamed on the OTT platform Jio Cinema. Along with this, he will be soon romancing Kriti Sanon in a yet-to-be-titled film, which Amit Joshi and Aradhana Sah are helming. The film is all set to hit the theatres on December 7, 2023. Apart from Shahid and Kriti, the film also stars the legendary actor Dharmendra. The yet-to-be-titled film marks Kriti and Shahid’s first on-screen collaboration.
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