An inside picture from Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s Haldi ceremony has surfaced on social media platforms. For the occasion, the talented actress donned a red gown with a matching ethnic jacket layered over it. The outfit has minimal golden embroidery. She accessorized with a blingy hairband, and huge golden earrings. On the other hand, Raghav is seen sitting next to her, and he looks dapper in a white kurta-pajama. He is seen with dark sunglasses on.
Take a look at viral picture below
Previously, newly married Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha took to their respective Instagram stories to post a letter of gratitude.
The letter read, “Parineeti and I wanted to take a moment to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are bursting with gratitude for the outpour of love and warm wishes. While we may not have had the chance to respond to each and every message personally (life’s been a whirlwind, as you can imagine), please know that we’ve been reading EVERYTHING with joy in our hearts.”
They concluded, “As we embark on this beautiful journey together, it means the world to us knowing that you’re all standing by our side. lour love and blessings are truly priceless, and we couldn’t have been more thankful. Love. Raghav and Parineeti.”
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