Recently, celebrity couple Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover were spotted at the Mumbai airport with their daughter Devi. Now, the talented actress took to her official Instagram handle and shared how their child’s first holiday was a success. Reacting to her post, one of the fans wrote, “With wonderful parents everywhere and everything will be super hit.” Another wrote, “May God bless you with many many more happy holidays in the coming years.” A third fan commented, “the best family in the world.”
Take a look at Bipasha Basu Instagram Post
The actress shared a family picture with husband, Karan Singh Grover, and daughter Devi. Along with the picture, Bipasha wrote, “Devi’s first holiday was a super hit.” In the picture, the actress can be seen wearing a green printed top and matching sunglasses, holding Devi in her arms. On the other hand, Karan looked dashing in a white t-shirt with a blue cap.
On the work front, the actress has taken a break from her career to spend time with her baby girl. On the other hand, Karan was last seen in web series Qubool Hai 2.0. He is ready to play a key role in Siddharth Anand’s Fighter. The film stars Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone. It is ready to release on January 25, 2024.