On Thursday night, Arjun Kapoor, Kiara Advani, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Suhana Khan attended the launch of Reliance Retail’s Tira Beauty first ever campaign ‘For Every You’. Now, a picture of the four stars taking a selfie at the event is going viral on social media platforms. In this viral picture, the actor can be seen taking a selfie with the divas. SRK’s darling daughter Suhana opted for a red maxi gown. Bebo chose a black strapless gown. On the other hand, Kiara kept it interesting in a pair of satin, green separates.

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On the professional front, the actor will soon be seen in The Lady Killer. On the other hand, Bebo will be making her OTT debut with Sujay Ghosh’s film titled ‘Jaane Jaan’. The actress will also be seen in The Crew.

Kiara Advani will share the screen space with Ram Charan in Game Changer. Apart from this, she is likely to be seen in Don 3 opposite Ranveer Singh.