On Tuesday, Rhea Kapoor took to her official Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures of her sister Sonam Kapoor, Anand Ahuja, and their baby boy Vayu. For those unaware, the Kapoor sisters are currently having the best time in London. Along with the pictures, Rhea wrote, “If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually… is all around.”
Sonam and Anand Ahuja can be seen strolling through the streets of London with Vayu. The actress pulled off a denim shirt paired with a T-shirt and jeggings. While Anand sported an all-black sporty outfit, exuding a cool and casual vibe.
Take a look at Rhea Kapoor’s Instagram post
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Sonam was recently seen in the film Blind, directed by Shome Makhjia. The actress is yet to announce her next project. On the other hand, Rhea Kapoor has collaborated with Ekta Kapoor for the upcoming film The Crew. The film revolves around three women and promises to be a laughter-filled ride set against the backdrop of the struggling airline industry. It is scheduled for release on March 22, 2024.
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