Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad have always impressed fans with their fashion choices. And in the latest photo, Hrithik and Saba have been setting the internet on fire. Saba took to her official Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures with Hrithik Roshan. In the picture, we can see Saba wearing a yellow colour saree. She has completed the look with earrings, and a necklace, her hair tied in a bun style, and her makeup is also kept in a pinkish tone. While the actor is looking handsome in black color ethnic wear. The caption of her post reads, “Big yellow taxi.”
Take a look at Saba Azad’s Instagram post
Reportedly, they started dating earlier this year. Saba often accompanies the actor to his family functions and vacations.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor is currently busy with the shooting of Fighter, the upcoming action film that marks his reunion with ace Bollywood director Siddharth Anand. He is sharing the screen space with Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone for the first time. It is ready to hit the theatres in the first quarter of 2024. Apart from this, Hrithik will return to play RAW agent Kabir in War 2. Also, he is ready to star in the upcoming installment of the Krrish franchise, which has been titled Krrish 4.
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