Bollywood ace producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah has announced the release date of his upcoming social drama The Kerala Story. The film stars Adah Sharma in the lead. It will be releasing in theatres on May 5. Vipul Amrutlal Shah’s directorial is a sharp take on the global terror outfit ISIS and their activities in the Indian state of Kerela.
A statement from the makers said, “The Kerela Story is based on a human tragedy as it unearths the events behind approximately 32,000 women going missing in the Indian southern state of Kerala who are converted, radicalised, and deployed in terror missions in India and the world. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Sudipto Sen, the film is a heartbreaking tale of women who are victims of this conspiracy that isn’t just limited to Kerala or India, the director had earlier stated that it was his patriotic duty to expose how thousands of girls were converted and trafficked abroad.”
For the unversed, at the end of 2022, the makers brought out the teaser of the film which created a controversy as it face allegations of showing inaccurate events. The film is bankrolled by Sunshine Pictures Private Limited, founded by Shah who is the producer, creative director and the co-writer of the film.
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