In the charged political atmosphere of Punjab following the announcement of six BJP candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, a village in Sangrur district has emerged as a focal point of dissent. On Saturday, posters surfaced in Namol village, cautioning BJP leaders against seeking votes in the area. Attributed to the BKU Azad, these posters prominently featured images of Shubhkaran Singh, who tragically lost his life on February 21 during clashes at the Khanauri border, allegedly with Haryana security forces.
In addition to highlighting Singh’s untimely demise, the posters also drew attention to the plight of Pritpal Singh, a resident reportedly assaulted by Haryana police, who remains hospitalized.
Similar expressions of dissatisfaction have been witnessed in Bharu village of the Gidderbaha constituency, where posters denouncing the BJP have adorned walls for the past four days. While dissent hasn’t manifested in Mansa villages in the form of posters, residents are vocalizing their opposition, pledging to prevent BJP leaders from entering their communities.
Happy Singh Namol, representing BKU Azad, remarked, “Protesting against BJP is our prerogative, and Namol village has chosen a symbolic approach to voice our dissent.” He underscored the village’s solidarity with ongoing protests at Shambhu and Khanauri borders since February 13.
The discontent isn’t limited to individual villages; the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) has decided to mobilize people against the BJP on a national scale. Dr. Darshan Pal, a member of the national coordination committee, outlined plans to challenge the BJP through questioning, black flag demonstrations, and grassroots mobilization.
Reflecting on BJP’s electoral strategy in Punjab, Darshan Singh Giddranwali of BKU Rajewal highlighted the disillusionment among rural voters stemming from unfulfilled promises made on December 9, 2021. He asserted that villagers were resolute in holding the BJP accountable during the campaign trail.
Meanwhile, tensions escalated in Bathinda on March 24 during a BJP booth mahotsav, encountering protests from villagers that led to the cancellation of a scheduled address by state president Sunil Jakhar. Despite rumors suggesting Jakhar’s intended visit to Bathinda, his office denied such plans, although he was seen in Sangrur meeting families affected by a recent hooch tragedy.
As the election campaign gains momentum, village dissent is emerging as a significant factor in Punjab’s political landscape, posing challenges for the BJP’s electoral prospects.
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