In a groundbreaking initiative aimed at saturating the benefits of Central government schemes across the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra on November 15 from Khunti, Jharkhand. The 7yatra encompasses three tribal districts in Himachal Pradesh, namely Chamba, Spiti, and Kinnaur, in its first phase of the Yatra, marking a significant expansion of its reach.
For Punjab and Haryana, the yatra is scheduled to commence on November 22.
The Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra seeks to cover almost every gram panchayat in the country. In Punjab, 13,646 locations will be covered, while in Haryana, the campaign will reach 6,537 locations, and in Himachal Pradesh, 3,799 locations are targeted.
To facilitate immediate services, various camps will be set up by departments such as the postal department, health department, and others. The yatra, designed to inform and empower citizens about the government’s flagship schemes, aims to create awareness and deliver the benefits of welfare programs directly to the people.
On the occasion of Janjatiya Gaurav Divas, Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off specially designed IEC Vans carrying messages of government schemes. These vans, adorned with information in local languages, will disseminate knowledge through audio-visuals, brochures, pamphlets, booklets, and standees. The focus areas include sanitation, financial services, electricity, LPG connections, housing, food security, healthcare, clean water, and more.
Jan Bhagidari events, including interaction with beneficiaries, celebration of achievements, on-the-spot quiz competitions, drone demonstrations, health camps, and Mera Yuva Bharat volunteer enrollment, will form an integral part of the ground activities.
The Viksit Bharat Campaign, one of the largest outreach initiatives, aims to cover over 2.55 lakh Gram Panchayats and 3,600 urban local bodies by January 25, 2024. This comprehensive campaign operates with a ‘whole of Government’ approach, ensuring active participation from State Governments, District authorities, Urban Local Bodies, and Gram Panchayats