The Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, conducted in rural areas, entered the Jansamvad section of Raipur Rani village, Sarkpur. A Programme was arranged in the BC Chapel of the village, where former Kalka MLA Latika Sharma participated as the chief guest.
Upon arrival, village sarpanch Amandeep extended a warm welcome to Latika Sharma, with BDC Chairman Satbir Rana also in attendance.

Latika Sharma, addressing the villagers, explained that the Viksit Bharat Jan Samvad Sankalp Yatra was initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 15, 2023, starting from Khunti, a tribal-dominated area of Jharkhand. In Haryana, the Yatra commenced on November 30, 2023.

The nationwide outreach initiative aims to raise awareness about the welfare policies of both the Central and State Governments, ensuring their complete implementation.
During the event, Latika Sharma encouraged people to explore the benefits of government schemes by visiting stalls set up by various departments on the Yatra day.
She inspected department stalls, gathered information about the provided facilities, distributed certificates to scheme beneficiaries, and administered the oath of a developed India to the attendees.

Subsequently, the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra Jansamvad proceeded to the village Tabar in the Raipur Rani section, receiving a warm welcome from the villagers and attendees. A Programmeme was held at Government Primary School Tabar, featuring Raipur Rani Divisional President Madan Dhiman as the chief guest. He provided detailed information about various government welfare schemes to the people.

During the event, BDPO Paramanandan, Sarpanch Balwinder Kaur, Dharampal Rana, Kuldeep Rana, Neeraj, Jasmer Singh (former Sarpanch), Sheruram (former Sarpanch), Booth President Pitambar Singh, Baljit Singh Saini, Payal Saini, and other dignitaries were present.