A video clip capturing a young man’s objection to the “Modi Sarkar” label on a chariot during the Central Government’s Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra in Sonyachi Shiroli village, Kolhapur district, went viral on December 13. This incident has spurred citizens from various regions in Maharashtra to question the government, prompting officials to swiftly conclude the events in the face of mounting inquiries. The movement, devoid of any political party banners, underscores the citizens’ right to pose constitutional questions.

Concerned about potential protests, over eight Panchayat Samiti employees from Parbhani district wrote to the district collector on December 28, seeking police protection during the yatra. They reported receiving calls from villagers questioning the inclusion of “Modi Sarkar” on the chariot, raising concerns about political campaigning. The employees hoped for police intervention during the yatra.

Rajvaibhav Shobha Ramchandra, a 30-year-old Ambedkarite activist from Sonyachi Shiroli, who actively promotes constitutional awareness, peacefully questioned the motive behind the yatra. He objected to the “Modi government’s guarantee” on the chariot, citing it as a violation of the constitutional principle of sovereignty. Rajvaibhav’s conversation with officials, later revealed to be a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) functionary, went viral, inspiring similar actions across the state.

In Palshi Jhashi village, Buldhana district, former sarpanch Abhaysinh Marode received a notice from local police, warning him not to interfere during the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra. Marode, expressing concerns about Central government scheme failures, emphasized the need to question and seek answers on issues such as farmer income, hunger index, and agricultural expenses.

Videos of peaceful questioning and protests emerged in several districts, including Ahmadnagar, Nasik, Satara, Jalna, Parbhani, Akola, Hingoli, Nanded, Ratnagiri, and Buldhana. Villagers raised queries about scheme implementation and the use of the phrase “Modi Sarkar.”

Parbhani district employees sought police protection due to potential protests, with the collector acknowledging the situation and emphasizing communication with villagers to convey the schemes’ benefits.

In Satara’s Tardap village, citizens questioned the absence of the Tricolour on the chariot sent by the Central government, focusing on why it carried the “Modi government’s guarantee” instead of the Indian government’s assurance.

After Rajvaibhav’s video went viral, he received calls from citizens across the state seeking guidance on addressing the chariot. Plans are underway to approach the court against the use of the phrase “Modi Sarkar” to question the government’s official name.