While the central government is implementing the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra across the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated it in the state with a virtual address. As part of this series, a program for the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra was organised at the gram panchayat headquarters of Dungarpur and Dholavas in the Lalasot legislative assembly area on Monday. All department officials, employees, and MLA Rambilas Meena participated in the program, where local people were informed about all the welfare schemes of the central government. The district collector Kamar Chaudhary also reviewed the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra program during this event.
MLA Rambilas Meena and District Collector Kamar Chaudhary were welcomed by the locals with floral garlands during this time. District Collector Kamar Chaudhary, showing a green flag, sent both ambulances to the community health centre.
Chaudhary said, “Through the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, all the welfare schemes of the central government are being made known to the common people, and monitoring of the program is being done from the PMO. All officers have an important responsibility in the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, and efforts are being made to ensure that as many people as possible are informed about all the schemes of the central government, and eligible people benefit from the schemes.”
MLA Rambilas Meena said that everyone’s contribution is essential in realising the dream of making India self-reliant and developed by 2047.
MLA Rambilas Meena also mentioned that in the last two to three years, due to the state government, the PM Awaas and Food Security Scheme sites have been closed. In this regard, the eligible people deprived of these schemes will also be started soon, and all the eligible people will benefit from the schemes.
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