Haryana Chief Secretary Sanjeev Kaushal said that the ‘Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra’ has witnessed significant participation, surpassing 3.2 million individuals as of January 2nd, as per an official statement released on Thursday.

While reviewing both the central and state development schemes, Kaushal instructed additional chief secretaries to collaborate with Additional Deputy Commissioners (ADCs) in regularly monitoring their implementation, the statement added.

He emphasised the need for establishing clear timeframes for achieving targets and urged them to convene regular meetings with bankers to ensure timely disbursal of benefits under various welfare schemes. Furthermore, Kaushal stressed the importance of ADC involvement, making them personally responsible for ensuring that beneficiaries encounter no difficulties in accessing loans and other benefits under these schemes, the statement added.

During a review of the ‘Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra,’ Kaushal highlighted the immediate issuance of 711,130 Ayushman Bharat Cards at Yatra events, showcasing its extensive reach and effectiveness. This impressive figure was further complemented by about 600,000 individuals receiving comprehensive medical screenings, including targeted evaluations for 400,000 for TB and 21,671 for sickle cell. These remarkable achievements reaffirm the government’s unwavering commitment to providing accessible healthcare for all, extending beyond specific diseases to address diverse health needs through the Yatra’s initiatives, it added.

It further stated that as of January 2, 2024, a total of 102,553 awards recognised outstanding achievements, celebrating women achievers (25,590), exemplary students (38,295), and contributions from local artists (5,141) and athletes (5,407).“Agriculture received a major boost with 8,486 Kisan Credit Cards issued and 56,356 new beneficiaries registered under the PM Kisan scheme, showcasing the emphasis on ‘Satat Krishi’ advancements. Technological interventions took centre stage through 56,356 drone demonstrations, while significant strides were made in land record digitization and ensuring water accessibility in over 85 per cent of households,” it added.