The Lust Stories 2 actor Vijay Varma recently opened up about how he feels about the sudden limelight on his relationship with Tamannaah Bhatia. The actor was recently asked if he is comfortable with the sudden limelight on his personal life. He shared, “I was very used to roaming around on my own. We go out together and we tend to get a lot of attention…” When asked if he anticipated this sudden limelight, and whether he is okay with it, the actor replied, “I am not particularly comfortable but I am just trying to get used to it.”

Earlier, Tamannaah Bhatia confirmed their relationship. She told Film Companion, “I don’t think you can get attracted to someone just because they are your co-star. I have had so many co-stars. I think if one has to fall for someone, feel something for someone it’s definitely more personal, it’s nothing to do with what they do for a living, I mean that’s not the reason why this would happen.”



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