Actor Vijay Sethupathi who is currently getting a lot of praise for his performance in the action thriller ‘Jawan’ on Monday unveiled the first look poster of his next film ‘Maharaja’. Taking to Instagram, Vijay shared a couple of pictures which he captioned, “#MaharajaFirstLook.”

 In the intriguing poster, Vijay could be seen sitting on a chair with a wounded ear, holding a sickle with blood stains on it. Soon after he dropped the first look poster, fans swamped down the comment section and dropped red hearts and fire emoticons.

Written and directed by Nithilan Saminathan, ‘Maharaja’ marks Vijay’s 50th project.

Meanwhile, Vijay is currently basking in the success of this recently released Pan-India film ‘Jawan’.

Helmed by Atlee, the film also starred Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara in the lead roles.
On Sunday, the SRK- Vijay starrer minted a whopping Rs 71.63 crores which took the film’s total collection to Rs 252.08 crores.

This is the highest single-day collection for any Hindi film ever.

Taking to Instagram, trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared a post and wrote, “#Jawan is BEYOND HISTORIC… Rewrites RECORD BOOKS… HIGHEST *single day* AND *extended opening weekend* [4 days] EVER [#Hindi films]… Smashes *ALL* records… Thu 65.50 cr, Fri 46.23 cr, Sat 68.72 cr, Sun 71.63 cr. Total: ₹ 252.08 cr. #Hindi. #India biz. #Boxoffice #JawanCreatesHistory. #Jawan [#Tamil + #Telugu] Thu 9.50 cr, Fri 7 cr, Sat 9.11 cr, Sun 8.47 cr. Total: ₹ 34.08 cr. OUTSTANDING.”

Vijay will be next seen in director Sriram Raghavan’s next ‘Merry Christmas’ opposite actor Katrina Kaif.

‘Merry Christmas’ is all set to hit the theatres on December 15.