Filmmaker Vignesh Shivan penned a sweet note for his wife and actor Nayanthara on their first wedding anniversary. Taking to Instagram, Vignesh Shivan shared a string of pictures of Nayanthara with their twin sons, Uyir and Ulagam. He captioned the post, “En uyiroda Aadharam neengaldhaneyyy (the proof of my life is you) 1 year filled with a lotta moments! Lotta Ups and downs. Unexpected setbacks! Testing times!”
He added, “But coming home to see a blessed family with immense love and affection reinstates soo much confidence and gives all the energy to keep running towards all the dreams and goals already manifested! Holding everything together, together with my – My Uyirs and Ulagams. The strength given by the family makes all the difference! Blessed with the best of people, striving to give them a good life is all the motivation that’s needed for hustlers like me.”
“PS: Negative comment addicts kindly excuse, may be you should try to ignore positivity”, he further added, asking haters to keep away.
In the first picture, she is posing for the camera with one of the kids wearing a red Santa romper. All smiles, as Nayanthara pose with their little kids in the other pictures, exuding motherhood vibes.
As soon as he shared dropped the pictures, netizens flooded the comment section with best wishes. A fan commented, “Very happy to see this post. Happy anniversary both of you.” “You’re a man to look up to when girls get married I would say find a man like viki .you re a natural person common man yet a celebrity I would say . You’re a best example when a women raises a man.” Another commented. “Look at them , the way one holding other’s shoulder.”, a social media user wrote.
Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan married in Chennai on June 9, 2022. It was an intimate wedding with only their close friends and select guests, including Shah Rukh Khan, AR Rahman, Suriya, and Rajinikanth, in attendance.
Four months after their wedding, they welcomed their sons via surrogacy. The news was shared by Vignesh on his Instagram handle where he shared pictures of his twin newborns named Uyir and Ulagam. In the images, the duo was seen kissing the feet of their babies.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Nayanthara will be seen starring in director Atlee’s next action thriller film ‘Jawaan’ along with Shah Rukh Khan.
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